Flowri is a task management app for everyone.

Stay on top of your tasks and workflows,
share and collaborate.

Try Flowri - it's free forever!

Screenshot of Flowri's GUI showing next task after checking precedent task of a flow

Everything flows

This is a flow. A flow is a list with depth. Depth means you can add tasks with dependencies (think "first this then that").

Flows are what Flowri is about. Flowri lets you use flows to organize your tasks and get them done in a nice way.

More than a todo list

You want more than a simple todo app but don't want to deal with overly complex project management tools?

Then, Flowri is for you!

Three screenshots of Flowri
Illustration of three successive tasks

Create workflows with Flowri's dependent tasks

Add depth to your todo lists! With Flowri’s dependent tasks, you can take one step at a time. A task won't appear in your todo list until its precondition tasks are done.

Illustration with all services Flowri can connect to

Everyone on the same page

Work as a team on projects or delegate only single tasks. Create lists and workflows, assign tasks and keep track of your progress.

Your team uses Slack? Good news, Flowri's slack integration is on the way.